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Monthly Newsletter

October 2024

October 2024 Newsletter

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AANHPI Student Achievement Program (ASAP)
Sonoma State University

October 2024 Newsletter

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by Dr. Kevin Nguyen on October 4th, 2024

Welcome to the AANHPI (Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander) Student Achievement Program (ASAP) newsletter! The ASAP team will use this space to inform you of upcoming AANHPI events on our SSU campus. If you want to formally join the ASAP community, please let us know by emailing Apologies if you're receiving duplicate emails, as we roll out a new emailing system.

Friday, Oct 11th - Boba Tea Study Hall, Round 2

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Please join us for a free event and study hall! As part of our efforts to build community and safe spaces on campus, we are providing free boba tea for all AANHPI students, faculty, and staff that RSVP. Light snacks will also be provided. Bring your laptop and be in community.

ASAP Boba Tea and Study Hall, 12:30 pm @ Rachel Carson Hall, Room 34

Please RSVP by emailing your ShareTea Boba Order to by Thursday, October 10th, 5 pm.

Save the Date, Upcoming Events

Please mark your calendars. SSU ASAP will be hosting events almost every other week through the rest of the Fall 2024 semester with more events coming in Spring 2025.

October 11th - ASAP Boba Tea and Study Hall, 12:30 pm @ Rachel Carson Hall, Room 34

October 25th - First ASAP Lecture Series, 10:30 am - 1 pm. Lunch included; more details to be shared

November 8th - ASAP Advising and Registration, 12:30 pm; more details to be shared. Advising help and signing up for our special ASAP courses

November 22nd - Second ASAP Lecture Series, 10:30 am - 1 pm. Lunch included; more details to be shared

December 6th - End of Semester ASAP Celebration! 12:30 pm; more details to be shared, if you have ideas for what you want to see, let us know!

Programming and Support in the Works

We are working hard to launch ongoing supporting and programming to support our Asian American students, faculty, and staff. Look to hear from us soon about the AAPI Buddy Program and AAPI Community Circles hosted in collaboration with the HUB.

Follow Our Instagram and Website!

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Our student intern, Madison Takahashi, has been working hard on our marketing and communication. Our brand new instagram is @ssu.asap. Please follow us for more updates.

Our Senior Faculty Coordinator, Annalise Harlow, has started our website. Please check back for more information on the ASAP program and how to join the ASAP cohort and enroll in Asian American courses. 

Finally, I am Dr. Kevin A. Nguyen, faculty coordinator for ASAP this semester. Please feel free to reach out if you have any feedback, ideas, or comments, on how to best support our Asian American community on campus. or

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@ssu.asap on Instagram



Sonoma State University

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